

Monday, 8 October 2012

DAVID WILCOCK ... Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?

Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?

Are we about to see incredible changes for the positive? Will the end of the Mayan Calendar bring triumph rather than disaster? It’s time to share the information I’ve been hearing about major changes we may be about to see. I hope you enjoy it!


Many people have complained about how long it has been since I wrote the last piece – and I do apologize for that.

There are times where quality is vastly more important than quantity. This was one of them. I did not know I was going to get pulled into such an extended “meditation retreat” when this all started.

Shortly after I finished “Will There Be a Quantum Awakening in 2012?”, I finally started getting good sleep again. And with sleep comes dream data — considering I’ve been capturing and analyzing them every morning for 20 years now.

I had been so stressed out before writing this piece that I was only getting bits and pieces of data each day — if anything — throughout July and August in particular.

Once I started getting good rest, and published the piece, a series of intense dreams gave me a very strong message. I was being guided — nay, just about demanded — to change my plans. Radically.

I was quite clearly being asked to abandon everything I was already working on — which was very complex, including dozens of articles I’d collected on LIBOR, mass shootings, Illuminati and what have you — and really get centered in nature.


Most importantly, a series of powerful dreams — some of which were nightmares — told me to completely stop “fighting” the negative elite.

Read more…


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