

Monday 1 October 2012



Intergalactic and interstellar governance from
 The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies

Introduction to Contact & Visitation

There are Others in Our Vast Universe

Who Truly Care about the People of Earth

To assist and prepare all Earth humans to make the step-up, this “upliftment”, in spiritual awareness & consciousness to the 4th dimension as Earth is crossing the galactic equatorial plane -

The Andromeda Council has committed many resources, trained people, ships, counselors, advisors in many areas of expertise, to help Earth people through the various stages of adjustment & growth. They will do this by mentoring, teaching and helping Earth humans to evolve emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially & most important spiritually.

They will remind Earth people of the truth & reality of their own origin as sacred sparks of the Creator / of Creation... as free sovereign souls, free sovereign human beings. ​

They will teach Earth people by example: they will use significant, specific acts of love and kindness, some seen & unseen, for the people of Earth... for their cousins, brothers and sisters on this tiny blue world.

One example of a specific act of kindness is the number of twelve (12) Andromeda Council biospheres / ships they have committed. These ships will use their combined projected force fields to wrap & envelop planet Earth - to slow the pace of the changes to the planet as much as possible, and to help protect planet Earth, while they also minimize the adjustments, the vibrational cause and effects to this planet during its shift into becoming a 4th dimension world.

They will share with, and remind, the people of Earth the most important, most powerful creative force in the Universe is: love.

They will quietly visit Earth and introduce themselves, sharing what their lives are like, who they are, how they live, speaking directly with people on this planet from every walk of life. Very much a reintroduction of old friends and family.


TOLEC ON ET Migration to Earth
Earth and her human inhabitants are undergoing a time of great change. Operating from a 5th dimension perspective, the Institute is dedicated to assisting individuals to become part of an uplifted future on the new Earth. The Institute will guide individuals to shed fear-based lives for love-based ones by achieving greater understandings and higher personal vibrations.

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