

Sunday 21 October 2012

AKHENATON AND THE CULT OF ATON ... The Dark Side of the Sun


. Let's examine the proposed extant Cult of Aton represented on Earth by the pharaoh revivalist slash reenactment groups a.k.a. the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians and their obsession with light. 

I call them reenactment groups today because I am struck by the resemblance to these societies and the phenomena of fantasy reenactment represented on terra by other mostly white men groups like the fans of Dungeons and Dragons role playing games. 

Both these groups like to get together and talk in code away from the public eye and feel superior to those uninitiated into the mysteries they themselves hold dear.


A bit of a mean spirited comparison on my behalf (I dont believe all masons are bad people), yet I want the comparison made as I feel it is nonetheless valid. The singular theme that seems to bind almost all the symbolism and literature of secret societies together is light. 

This light is represented in the material world by the sun itself and in the spiritual sphere by the holy inner light. In fact the exterior light of the sun and the interior light of the holy spirit seems to be almost interchangeable at will (by the symbolism of for example the eye in the triangle) and the interior light is even referred to as the second sun. 

This obsession can be seen to have originated in large part during the 18th dynasty reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. There are quite obviously earlier origins but the ideas seem to have gotten codified and integrated to a large extent at this point in history. Another way this light is sometimes represented is as the snake, seen on statues of pharaohs like Akhenatens, at the third eye chakra (or Ajna chakra) point in the middle of the forehead.


The snake can be seen as the kundalini energy awakened at the base of the spine and sent through the chakras by doing intense meditation and yoga and or psychedelic drugs. These concepts are ones that are more often connected to the Yogi's of India and it is interesting to find them represented here in Egypt. 

Further many shamans all over the world, but more specifically the Amazonian shaman, connect the serpent with the teacher gods or snake space entities. You can find these concepts about snake teachers being discussed at length in Jeremy Narby's "The Cosmic Serpent". 

I believe the snake teachers connect with the inner light concept through the attainment of cosmic consciousness by accessing information directly through the DNA during intense ecstatic states and then attributing this DNA knowledge with coiled snakes due to the pictorial similarity between the DNA double helix and the coiled serpents. 

I also believe that the secret societies have in the past and do quite probably today use psychedelic plants to access higher states and contact "The Great White Brotherhood" or the "Inner Head" located at the third eye point or pineal gland. Some of these people do probably believe they contact beings outside of themselves, others believe they speak to facets of there own higher self. 

More astutely (in my opinion) people like Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson saw these phenomena as a mixture of both. My point here is to show again that symbolic light can be connected to internal or external phenomena depending on how the individual interprets the experience of cosmic consciousness. 

The secret society symbols show this time and time again like the caduceus. The caduceus with its winged disc symbolizing at the same time both the inner and outer suns.

The caduceus was recently seen used again in a strange context when it appeared on the poster of the "Snakes on a Plane" poster. I found it so significant. the use of sacred symbols in the mainstream media is part of a bigger secret society "uber" ritual playing itself out in the theatre of the "real" world today. 

The Earth itself with its billions of people, cities and countries being the magickal elements in a giant mega ritual moved around by illuminated forces. If this sounds alarming to you, good, we have to recognize this and take the power we have given these folks back into our own hands! All things that come into being have a reason for their existence although intellectual lethargy, together with the passage of time, assists many fallacies to appear before us in the guise of fact. 

All that is required for a historical lie to be accepted as historical truth is the passage of historical time. This particular phenomenon has been, and continues to be, on the minds of the world's most devious myth-mongers who seek to further the deceptive industry of their predecessors. 

Those who have arranged the subject of history so that men see what they are meant to see and so that they know only that which they are meant to know, are profoundly aware of how the simple passage of time aids them in their heinous work.

Michael Tsarion.

Akhenaton and the Cult of Aton




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