

Saturday 15 September 2012

HOW TO DETOXIFY THE PINEAL GLAND ... The Effect Of Solar Flares On Our Pineal Gland


For the reasons most of you know – humans tend to have their pineal glands heavily calcified – sleeping. Fluoride (found in tap water, toothpaste, processed foods…) is just one of the things that causes calcification of pineal gland.

Fluoride is magnetically attracted to the pineal gland where it forms calcium phosphate crystals more than anywhere else in the body. How to decalcify pineal gland?

-citric acid (LOTS of lemons may work, or u can just buy citric acid)

-eat more garlic in your foods! (Take about half a bulb a day or more for awhile, if you crush it and soak in raw apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice it will deodorize it. Make sure you put the juice on a salad or something later.)

-Raw apple cider vinegar* (Contains malic acid. Take alot of it. Make sure it’s raw, as that is very important. Braggs is the best brand)

-Sungazing (Gazing at the sun during the first 15 minutes of sunrise and last 15 minutes of sunset will do wonders for your pineal gland…just not during a solar flare. 

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