

Monday 17 September 2012


You do not need to be a scientist or a meteorologist to look in the sky and detect that something fishy is going on in our skies for the past month or more.

Here are some videos for you to have an idea on what we mean here in our skies. This is typical of the last 2-4 weeks of our skies, like a war was to unfold in the sky.

Sylphs are parts of consciousness that live in the air. They are our brothers and sisters who form a part of the conscious infrastructure of our Earth. Robert Neil Boyd describes “Sylphs as immortal non-physical beings which have and are souls. These beings are the artists who form the clouds, in their wispy and thin forms, e.g., horsetails, feathers, etc. The typical cirrus, and cirronimbus formations are expressions of the Sylphs. Sylphs are not typically visible to the untrained eye. 

Sylphs do inhabit the same volume of space as the air, but their actual Being resides in the physical vacuum, as a coherent holographic form of energy.”However, with the energies rising towards 2012 and with the increase of chemtrail activity (the chemical trails laid by aircraft) at an all time high, some of us are perceiving the presence of sylphs. You now have new eyes to see what is happening above your head. 

Sylphs love to know that you see them. 

So say hi! 

And thank them for doing their part in the incredible journey towards 2012.

 Carlos Castaneda

The Jorney to Ixtlan

A sudden gust of wind hit me at that instant and made my eyes burn. I stared toward the area in question. There was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.
-"I can't see a thing", i said.
-"You just felt it", he replied.
-"What? The wind?"
-"Not just the wind", he said. "It may seem to be wind to you, because wind is all you know"

Sylph (also called sylphid) is a mythological creature in the Western tradition. The term originates in Paracelsus, who describes sylphs as invisible beings of the air, his elementals of air. There is no substantial mythos associated with them. 


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