

Saturday 11 August 2012



Sirius Filmmaker Arm Kaleka’s Father Killed at Sikh Temple

We ask that everyone remember in their thoughts and prayers Arm Kaleka and his family as they mourn the loss of his father, who was shot and killed at the Sikh Temple in WI.
We are shocked and appalled by this act of senseless violence.
Our love and sympathy goes to Arm, his family and all those who lost loved ones.
Let us see Arm’s father and the others advancing in the worlds of Light and Truth and in eternal Peace.

Steven M. Greer MD

There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased. This EBE is in the possession of a cooperative institute desiring further scientific evaluation of the possible ET. We cannot reveal at this time the location of this being or the name of the person or persons who possess it.
Dr. Jan Bravo- who is a STAR Board member and a fellow Emergency Physician- and I have actually visited the group that possesses this EBE and have personally and professionally examined the being. It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man-made. It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and is humanoid . We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being. Its anatomy however is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans).
As you can imagine, the security and scientific issues surrounding the further testing of this potentially explosive and world- changing evidence are mind-boggling. However, we feel we simply must proceed expeditiously but cautiously. The cost of doing proper MRI testing, full and dispositive forensic-level DNA testing and carbon dating with other isotope testing are considerable and certainly not currently funded. We must rule out other hominids, bizarre genetic defects and so forth. But it is most certainly an actual biological specimen – and it may be – well, what it looks like.

It can be proven that ETs have been around very prominently since the nuclear era dawned (see It is also likely that some form of Contact has existed since the dawn of human history.
If they are so awful and hostile, why would ET wait until the earth became an armed camped with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons before making the alleged land-grab for earth?
It is just utter nonsense- and any thinking person knows this.
Moreover, given the technological prowess associated with trans-dimensional interstellar travel, IF these ETs- any of them- were so inclined, the earth could have been conquered, or destroyed, decades ago.
Additionally, there is substantial evidence that covert military projects have tracked, targeted and on occasion destroyed ET craft. Given this fact, why has there not been massive, overwhelming retaliation by these alleged invaders?
And contrary to the science fiction pablum that passes as fact on this subject, any conflict using trans-dimensional technologies as weapons would last approximately .1 nanosecond before all parties would be vaporized into another dimension. If nuclear weapons would result in global Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), how much more so the deployment of inter-stellar trans-dimensional weapons.
The xenophobes have argued that, somehow, the minerals, or life forms or bio-materials on earth are just too much to resist for these invaders. Really? Why, when there are countless thousands of worlds scattered throughout the cosmos that are earth-like and do not yet have advanced, and violent, civilizations. People mistakenly assume that our little corner of the cosmos is the only place with such biological or mineral assets.
In short, any dispassionate analysis of the facts shows that there is only one reason for such cosmic saber-rattling: T0 scare, and cower, the public into submission; to unite the world not in peace, but in a fearsome new world order of global militarism, born out of insecurity. The hope is that we will, once again, give up our liberty to buy security.

Trans-Dimensional Interstellar: TDIS- What It Means

Yes, we are being visiting by advanced ET civilizations. This simple fact has been proven by
The evidence is overwhelming- but the implications are scarcely apprehended- and particularly in scientific circles. These ET civilizations are not getting here using solid rocket boosters, jets – or Exxon Mobile fuel. The communications, energy and propulsion systems of these ET vehicles use trans-dimensional physics (or hyper-dimensional or inter-dimensional physics- these are synonyms).

What does this mean?

It means that both communications and travel are via other dimensions and not through linear space/time. And yet these other dimensions are folded within and contained within space/time. It is a conscious, holographic universe- and every star-faring culture knows it. Of course this means that virtually every manifestation of their presence would look like magic to us!

But one culture’s magic is another’s science. Imagine going back 200 years and showing Thomas Jefferson a smart phone, computer- or even a simple flashlight. Magic, by God! And if you were in Salem MA, I supposed you might be burned at the stake as a witch.
Items we take for granted today would be unimaginable to our ancestors even a few generations ago.
Now visualize such scientific advancements thousands- and perhaps millions – of years into the future. Every manifestation of such a society would appear like magic- a miracle even- to us today.

And yet in classified projects, there has been great advancement in the study of trans-dimensional, very high voltage (VHV) resonance systems that indeed result in so-called (and misnamed ) free energy and anti-gravity (see Recently, I met with a senior Department of Defense scientist who described such systems to me- and who also matter -of -factly stated that they also have communications devices that were faster than the speed of light. Not your everyday cell phone!
Many people in the UFO subculture who are not aware of the physics behind UFOs state that they are not ET but are inter-dimensional. But this is like arguing about whether an orange is round OR the color orange when it is obviously both. They are both ET and Inter-dimensional.
By definition: Any ET civilization from another star system that has reached earth or our solar system must be Trans-dimensional. You cannot get from one star system to another at or below the speed of light. It is just too slow. And this means that ALL ET civilizations visiting us are TDIS: Trans-Dimensional Interstellar.

This means the phenomena associated with ET vehicles, communications and the like will, perforce, be “High Strangeness” as Dr. J. Allen Hynek said many years ago.
ET communication devices modulate within fields beyond the speed of light. They can interface with what we call thought forms- something the mystics have called the astral plane. Their ET vehicles can “dematerialize” and re-appear in another place in space/time. When fully materialized, the energy and propulsion systems can have strange effects on other motors, electronic devices, detection systems and even humans and animals.

An ET vehicle can be 10 feet away and be shifted beyond the crossing point of light and linear space/time and leave only an electronic emission. Or it may appear like an electronic “astral projection” -if you will, ghost like- but still ever-so-slightly visible. And on and on.

But isn’t this what any thinking person would predict from civilizations thousands to millions of years more advanced than we are and who can travel beyond the speed of light?
The good news: we can understand these concepts. That the spinmeisters in the intelligence, corporate and secrecy industry have confused people does not mean that this new science cannot be comprehended. It can be- and has been. Most people just don’t know it- yet. One of the goals of is to elucidate these and other issues in a way that the general public will really understand it.
TDIS: it is a whole new understanding of the cosmos, and our place in it. Let’s get on with embracing it!

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