

Tuesday 24 July 2012



The American physician and founder of the Orion Project and the Disclosure Project Dr.. Steven Greer reveals the secret agenda of groups such as Majestic 12, Cosmic Ops and PI-40.

Dr. Greer discusses the following topics:

Part 1.

The highly secretive and ruthless group (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40) that is behind the UFO cover-up.

The 'Norway Spiral'.

The Orion Project's efforts working with breakthrough technology that would eliminate the need for fossil fuel based technologies.

The reason behind the ruthless secrecy of the Extraterrestrial and UFO subjects.

Dr. Greer's personal story including his experiences with Extraterrestrials.

The mind-set of the ruthless group known as Majestic-12 (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40).

So-called "Gray" aliens are in fact man-made PLFs (Programmed Life Forms).

So-called 'alien implants' are man-made devices.

The reason why there is fear mongering of the Extraterrestrial subject.

So-called 'alien abductions' are in fact carried out by covert human groups.

The massive amount of disinformation on the Extraterrestrial subject. This disinformation has infected the UFO subculture.

Dr. Greer has held the body of an 18 inch sized Extraterrestrial.

The connection between consciousness and the Extraterrestrial subject.

The logical fallacy of the so-called ET "threat" argument.

Scalar weapon systems (Directed Energy Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons) that orbit Earth and target Extraterrestrial vehicles.

CSETI (not to be confused with SETI) experiences with Extraterrestrials.

The limitations of space and time as we currently understand them - how this relates to Extraterrestrials.

The covert plan by the highly secretive and ruthless group (MJ-12, Majestic, Cosmic-Ops, PI-40) to stage an alien "attack" on Earth.


Part 2.

CSETI experiences with Extraterrestrials.
The stupidity of some fear-based theories that ETs pose a “threat” to us.
The reason for the negative portrayal of Extraterrestrials in Hollywood movies.


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