

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

INDIAN IN THE MACHINE ... Reptilians Serpent People Missing Women And Children

The conspiracy theories will eventually lead you here:.... reptilians bred with humans long ago, and there offspring are the serpent people... these "people" are really into themselves, and see themselves as special... perhaps they are purer in the sense that they protect their lineage while most other humans freely destroy their lineage with very unfortunate choices.... guess who owns the food companies, hollywood, military, banking, mainstream media..... this is why the media always downplays the missing women and children... especially the native women and children... the media and the body snatchers are in bed together, both programmed with the satanic reptilian agenda.

You'll find the missing women and children go to underground military bases below ground... above ground, they are used for satanic sacrifice.


Here’s what we’ve got going ongoing this year, including the arrests of the cabal: 1. New financial system 2. First Contact of Friendly Extraterrestrials 3. The Second Coming of Sananda “Jesus” Esu Immanuel 4. Ascension of our species to a new species 5. We’re probably going to be celebrating lots more!.. ya know… end of world slavery… restoration of our planet via ET technologies etc…. more sun CME activity catalysing many more changes… more earthquakes along the way...planetary evacuations even... is it possible that all of this could occur before the end of 2012?

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