

Thursday 12 April 2012


Whales and dolphins are an advanced form of extraterrestrial-like intelligence that is in a special relationship with extraterrestrial civilizations. Whales and dolphins also have an important ecological relationship keeping the advanced energy grids of the planet in balance.

You have known particles of love, atoms of love, sometimes molecules of love. When you understand that Love is an ocean and you have found ways to cooperate with it, and never resist it, then you will be eternal beings, and photomorphic

You will become splendid light. You will become luminescent. 

You will be transformed. 

This is in your future.

We are here to accelerate that process in you, as well as in ourselves. We are all photomorphs, but we decide to live in various temples or habitations, for certain periods of time. As far as external temples, we whales no longer have those, because the whole world is our temple. As far as external books and scrolls, we no longer have need of those. We do not regard them as sacred, intrinsically, because the writing is on our hearts and minds.

U.S. Navy sonar-testing program

The 5-year sonar testing program announced by the U.S. Navy is having a destructive effect far beyond what the conventional analysis and media are reporting. The environmental impacts of the U.S. Navy sonar-testing program include the estimated annihilation of 13 million sea mammals, including cetaceans such as dolphins and whales.
According to Ms. Cori, the cetaceans being targeted by the U.S. Navy sonar program carry out an important role in maintaining the frequency of vibration of the Earth’s oceans and hence of the planet itself. Ms. Cori demonstrated a series of mandala frequency patterns generated from the sound music produce by dolphins and whales by scientist Mark Fisher. It is this cetacean sound music that, according to Ms. Cori, in turn has a frequency effect on the ocean waters, lifting it to higher vibrations.
Intelligence, Ms. Cori states, is associated with higher vibrational fields, and hence the cetaceans are performing a function of sustaining higher intelligence in the natural ecology. The effects of the U.S. Navy sonar targeting, which may be far beyond weapons testing into operational targeting and genocide of cetaceans, is to lower the vibrational field of the Earth and slow its elevation and transition into a more evolved dimension.

The United States Navy will be decimating millions of marine mammals and other aquatic life, each year, for the next five years, under their Warfare Testing Range Complex Expansions in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Gulf of Mexico. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS under NOAA), has already approved the “taking” of marine mammals in more than a dozen Navy Range Warfare Testing Complexes, and is preparing to issue another permit for 11.7 millions marine mammals (32 Separate Species), to be decimated along the Northern, California, Oregon and Washington areas of the Pacific Ocean.

U.S. Department of Commerce – NOAA (NMFS) Definition: 'TAKE' Defined under the MMPA as 'harass, hunt, capture, kill or collect, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, kill or collect.' Defined under the ESA as 'to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.' Definition: Incidental Taking: An unintentional, but not unexpected taking.

"The total number of marine mammals that will be decimated in the Atlantic, Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico for the next five years is unknown. The NMFS approvals will have a devastating impact upon the marine mammal populations worldwide and this last Navy permit, issued in February 2010, for the “taking” of more than 11.7 million marine mammals in the Pacific will be the final nail in the coffin for any healthy populations of sea life to survive.

"Now with ever-increasing numbers of permits being issued for sonar programs in more than twelve ranges in the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic regions of the United States, our marine mammals and other sea life are facing complete devastation. When you add bomb blasts to this list, warfare testing of all types, future war testing practice, and the toxic chemicals that are both airborne and to be used underwater, there is little chance that most marine life will survive in any significant numbers. The U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressmen refuse to postpone these disastrous “takings” or hold U.S. Congressional Hearings while pretending to be ocean environment friendly in their re-election speeches.

These virtually unregulated Navy Warfare Testing Programs already approved are now taking a toll on marine mammals, the fishing and ocean tourism industries, and on all aquatic life. Many U.S. Senators and Congressmen are ignoring these issues by pretending that they doesn’t exist even though they have been informed in advance of these programs.

The 'taking' of marine mammals negatively impacts the entire ecology of our oceans and the life in them which feeds large numbers of people and other species around the world. It should be noted that the list of toxic chemicals that the Navy proposes to use is a long one as noted in the Navy E.I.S. Depleted uranium, red and white phosphorus, mercury, lead, and a whole host of chemicals known to be toxic not only to man, but to marine life, are being served up on the “Navy Warfare Chemical Menu” that will contaminate our air, water, and soil.

Since all of the Navy Warfare Training Range Complexes have received, or will receive in the near future, permits to “take” marine mammals during their respective 5-year warfare training programs the cumulative and synergistic effects of losing millions of marine mammals will be disastrous. It is time to say no to any future permits being issued by the National Marine Fisheries Services."

U.S. Navy anti-cetacean sonar as surrogates for Orion grey and Draco reptilian ET occupation

Is the U.S. Navy acting as surrogates in a covert attempted occupation by planet Earth by Orion grey extraterrestrials and Draco reptilians. By targeting the most evolved mammalian intelligent species on the planet, the cetacean dolphin and whales, the U.S. Navy appears to be acting to reduce the vibratory frequency to Earth to make it a more hospitable ecology as a reptilian-based planet, hosting cloned or mind-controlled humans in a world authoritarian-like dictatorship.

U.S. Navy sonar attacks on cetaceans congruent with Orion grey and Draco reptilian war as confirmed by UK whistleblower Michael Prince
A war between hostile extraterrestrial civilizations and the human civilization has started. Armed hostilities between human forces and hostile extraterrestrial forces are now taking place frequently. The negative extraterrestrial-human alliance intent on Earth take-over is referred to as the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex

The dolphins and whales communicate with humans and state that they are in communication with advanced extraterrestrial species. For example, it has been reported that whales and dolphins are teleported by extraterrestrial craft up from the ocean onto ET craft, where they are held in special pens, and downloaded with ecological and multi-dimensional information via multi-colored lights before being returned again into the ocean to complete their ecological missions.

Cetacean experts such as the late Dr. John Lilly and Joan Ocean have noted the telepathic abilities of whales and dolphins and complex operating communication between extraterrestrial civilizations and whales and dolphins in Earth’s oceans.

The dolphins are an Extraterrestrial civilization that lives in the oceans and rivers of Earth part-time. They have endeared themselves to humanity…..although when you look at them critically, you may notice – They are Grey with streamlined forms, big heads, unusual languages, and live in an airless environment, in a team mentality, extending gentleness and love to humans.

“The dolphins and whales serve as ambassadors between Earth and other Star Nations.

They are the Wise Ones assisting humanity to accept the existence of other species who are intelligent and living in diverse realities nearby.

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