

Saturday 14 April 2012

THE UNIVERSAL ESSENCE ... Eternal Beings and Nature Spirits



Inside this whole dimensional process of evolution, we can find the historical process inside the 3rd dimension. This process starts about 6000 million years ago, but for humans, it’s more recent…about 30 million years ago.

The process of the creation of humanity was programmed first through genetics by the beings who transmute the genetic information and evolution. These are the Beings we call Eternal Beings or Nature Spirits.

These Beings project all the forms that emanate from God in the physical worlds. So, really, Darwin’s theory is true, although there is a detail that is missing.

There are many races on this planet like vegetable, animals and also humans which are not originally from this planet, but are mutations or historical additions on this planet. All these Beings were brought here for an evolutionary need.

Human’s history begins on this planet around 24,000 BC., when the 1st prototypes of humanity were created, who are known as Adam & Eve, although Eve was not the 1st woman, it was Lilith. But there were already humans on Earth. They were not actually the first. They were the 1st prototype of the humans we know, the ones that were most similar to us. They were quickly created because there was a cultural addition, to say it somehow, from other planets that helped the human race to become what it is.

Why did they do it? It was not a random event. It’s not that humans were made by extraterrestrials and not from God, like some people say but the Divine Plan from the Angelic Level was in contact with the Beings from the 9th dimension, who are also extraterrestrial, and they passed over the Angelic Plans to the physical worlds through Beings who are connected through the spiritual world. And they followed the Plan according to the needs of the Cosmology.

Behind the history of humanity, a story of conspiracy started to unfold, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, about the control of this widely rich and varied world, known today as the stories of the Reptilians, Rigelians and Illuminati, amongst many others.

Planet Earth was going through important changes with invasions of other races which were not positive for the planet like the renowned Reptilians. These Reptilians were negative for the Earth’s evolution, so the Galactic Federations, who are the Beings who have a close relationship with the Beings from Angelic levels, projected over humanity, which was growing a new humanity, creating what we know as the human prototype who we are today.

This human prototype is a copy of the Angels idea from the etheric emanation, on the Earth through the extraterrestrial. This is where our history begins.


The problem is that history and time are circular. This means that events repeat themselves differently but with the same patterns. History should not be taken as a list to know what happened until our days, it should be understood as a complex camouflaged order that shows us the mistakes that can repeat themselves.

Obviously, it’s very different than the way it’s taught in class, although it has already started to come out. The problem of this history is that it can be read over and over and it’s very sensationalistic and rigid in some points. This was like this, or like this, and there is NO other opinion. Or there is a conspiracy or a plot behind humanity.

In reality, it is not exactly like this. We should not create a schizoid persecutory delirium with humanity’s history. Humanity’s history happened this way because it had to happen this way and all the problems that have been created happened to allow the change of humanity and the evolution of consciousness in humanity…and created specific work in an area. That’s why humanity is governed because of the constellations, which began from the Ages, which lasts for about 2,160 years.


Earth spins around the sun in a process which lasts about 365 days, but at the same time, our Sun spins around another sun which is a lot bigger, called Syria, about every 26,000 years. As a year on Earth, the Sun’s year has its seasons, equinoxes, solstices and ages, too. This has an influence on the historic events on Earth.

The Solar year we are going through began approximately 21,210 BC, with the Age of Capricornia.
The 1st prototypes that were created were the ones we know as Lemurians, which belonged to the whole Pacific. It’s a race that created lemuria, how we know it today… well, how some know it.

After many historical problems, Atlantis started to develop in the Atlantic, which, since I was small, I called Gefislion. This country extended itself through the whole Atlantic Ocean and created, on the warm part of the planet, loads of civilizations and colonies which helped to organize the planet and kept it in the direction of the Cosmic Plan.

How did some civilizations begin to write with complexity overnight?

How, after only 1,000 years of human civilization, the Egyptians began to build monuments so spectacularly calculated and designed from mathematics?

In only 10 years, how were so many Gods created to worship?

Why are there pyramids all over the world, including ones in America and Japan which are very similar to the Egyptian ones, if in theory, they did not go past the red Sea and the Mediterranean?

Why has the Sphinx shown degradation for over 9,000 years, when the Egyptologists say it was built only 5,000 years ago?

All these civilizations that went from 13,000 to 6,000 BC, tried to apply a system of terrestrial balance and human information. This is how the whole plan of building the pyramids and the old temples, began, and today, there are only a few remainders left.

The pyramids are thought to be tombs but were never tombs.

The first civilizations, such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Mayans and Doors of the Sun, are the ones from which many other civilizations were created in 10,000 BC.

Later on, humanity had to go through another type of evolution which was not so much stellar than having to work the Earth and humanity in itself, the cultures and the rest. That’s why, since Taurus, 3000 BC, the history that we are allowed to remember began.

Humanity’s history, the beginning of “Civilization” for the many teachers. This began in Egypt, where humans started to practice spirituality through society. Having it clear that the history we know goes through Taurus, Aries and Pisces, the Age we are going through now, we can understand that the history develops itself according to the energies that flow from the Cosmos to the planets, in our case, Earth.

This energetic pressure that comes from the stars guides the events that happen on Earth, mainly because everything is interconnected.

The energy of the Cosmic environments are factors that might mold the energy of the Soul so that it holds on to the Physical body with one intention: to learn and fulfill its mission in this specific moment. This is why the Cosmic Order determines our steps to take, our history, our map and route, our feelings, relationships, gifts and so many other aspects to create the necessary mechanisms to allow us to learn and carry out what we had agreed to do before we were born.

Once we arrive at the dawn of the sun, what we know as 2012, the intention of the Ages in the cycle changes so all the vibration of the worlds, that are those stars, also change.

What does this mean? It’s like when the spring begins. So, everything that has been worked through the “known” history starts to open to a type of history which is totally unknown. Not because the world is going to go through a horrible change, but because there is an increase in the vibration and the energy coming from the sun. And this makes the Earth transform its energetic vibration.

Indigo child Matias de Stefano gives a detailed explanation of where our planet needs to be going and what we need to do in the near future in order to become a Type 1 Civilization.

There will be many more children popping into our awareness containing wisdom of the ages, until it’s undeniable.

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