

Wednesday 18 April 2012


The myth and folklore of over 30 ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating Dark and Golden Ages that move with the precession of the equinox.

An increasing body of new astronomical and archaeological evidence suggests the cycle may have a basis in fact. More importantly, understanding the cycle might provide insight into where society is headed at this time and why consciousness may be expanding at an exponential rate. Understanding the cause of precession is key to understanding the cycle.

In the last hundred years major discoveries have been made in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, the Asian plains, South America and in many other regions that break the rules of history theory and push back the time of advanced human development. Specifically, they show ancient man was, in many ways, far more proficient and civilized nearly 5000 years ago than he was during the more recent Dark Ages of just a thousand years ago.

Etymological studies of cuneiform tablets show the ancient words for “past” have now become our words for “future”, whereas their words for the “future” have now become our words for the “past”. It is almost as if mankind orients his motion through time depending on whether he is in an ascending or descending age.

We find this principal of waxing and waning periods of time depicted in numerous bas-reliefs found in ancient Mithraic temples. The famed Tauroctany or bull slaying scene, is often surrounded by two boys, Cautes and Cautopetes. One holds a torch up on one side of the zodiac, indicating it is a time of light, the other holds a torch down on the other side of the zodiac, indicating it is a time of darkness. These time periods correspond with the Vedic description of when the Earth goes through periods of rising and falling consciousness.

Hopi myths tell us of cities on the bottom of the sea. Typically ancient peoples broke the great cycle into an ascending and descending phase, each with four periods. For example, the Vedic or Hindu culture tells us that when the Autumnal Equinox moves from Virgo to Aires we go through the ascending Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Satya “Yugas” (the later being the golden era) before slowly declining in reverse order as the equinox completes its journey. The Greeks and other early Mediterranean civilizations used like periods and labeled them the Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden Ages. More distant cultures such as the Maya or Hopi used still other names such as “worlds” or “Suns”, and numbered them to identify specific epochs.

A relatively modern proponent of the cyclical system was the Sanskrit Sage, Swami Sri Yukteswar, author of The Holy Science (published in 1894). He taught that the position of our solar system relative to another star is what causes the rising and falling ages, and that we are now in transition from the lowest material age, the Kali Yuga, into the electrical or atomic age, the Dwapara Yuga.

In this period, it is said we begin to see the world as more transparent as we move from an awareness of self as a physical body in a strictly physical universe, to an awareness that we are something more, living in a universe filled with subtle forces and energies.

As consciousness expands so does the Universe take on a different appearance to the viewer. The technological discoveries of the laws of gravity, electricity and magnetism just in the last few hundred years give this idea credence – and the trend is accelerating. In the last century it has been discovered that physical matter is not really solid at all.

We have found that matter is made of molecules and these in turn are made of atoms, which are constituted of 99.9% empty space. The little bit of mass that does exist in the heart of the proton and neutron, is now thought to be principally vibrating energy, at least according to the latest String Theory. Indeed, reality is looking more and more ethereal just as the hoary Vedas predict.


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