

Sunday 15 April 2012


ETs/EDs Point Out Proof Is There On Video!

This video, say the ETs/EDs, shows not only the immolation of five Reptoid invasion ships, but some peculiar solar phenomenology as well, phenomenology wholly consistent with reported detonations by the ETs/EDs of two recaptured Pakistani 550 kiloton thermonuclear bombs. Watch closely, particularly the pronounced dual spike (NASA pic & vid) and the two separate explosions. Then, watch for several black spheres appearing momentarily, only to vanish, consumed by the nuclear-enhanced X 5.4 class solar flare. This, theETs/EDs say, shows events unfolded exactly as described.

Destruction of the Reptoid Mother Ships


ETs/EDs Say Reptoid Mother Ships Devastating 
Just By Being Close To Earth

With Earth barely held together by the ETs/EDs‘ force fields, the arrival of the Reptoid ships, each ~1/4 the size of the Moon, at ~1/2 the distance from here to our Moon, would’ve, per the ETs/EDs, put unbearable strain on the planet, unleashing full scale tectonic & volcanic upheaval, killing pretty much everyone, the ETs/EDs say. After that, stability could be restored by simply backing away the Reptoid mother ships so their gravitational influence would diminish. This is the fate from which the ETs/EDs’ clever ambush maneuver potentially saved us. Further, the ETs/EDs indicate fighting this force would’ve taken somewhere between 1/4 to 1/3+ of the ETs/EDs’ entire Liberation Force to deal with the threat, with obvious impact on operations here, where resources are already strained.

ETs/EDs, The Bermuda Triangle & Oil Drilling
The Hidden Connections

Stargate discussions with the ETs/EDs turned up a whole new angle on the notorious Bermuda Triangle. Oil drilling in the region, per the ETs/EDs, has created so much seismic instability that it’s causing the stargate’s seal to crack, resulting in even more extensive anomalies there. The more drilling, say the ETs/EDs, the more “unexplainable” weirdness will ensue there. Meanwhile, the famous Flight 19 of TBM Avengers rests partially on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean “near the Azores” with the rest “somewhere in space,” according to theETs/EDs.

ETs/EDs Multiply Confirm NASA Vid 
Shows Fully Open Stargate!

Newly obtained NASA video, which as been analyzed by the ETs/EDs, confirms several claims made above.

1. The Sun, Sol, IS a stargate, seen in the vid, in several frequencies, as an isosceles triangle, with its base at the bottom and apex at the top. 2. The ETs/EDs report that ~50 seconds in, one of the Liberation Force science ships can be seen detaching from the Sun, following solar upgrades! Yes, you read that correctly. 3. Per the ETs/EDs, their Liberation Force scientists are assisting in transitioning Sol from a white star to a blue star, which it will be in its higher density. 4. Compare the Mayan glyph here with the stargate triangle on Solreported by the ETs/EDs.

Note particularly, say the ETs/EDs, the craft emerging from that isosceles shaped stargate and that the craft fits the classic UFO descriptions perfectly. 5. In case any doubts remain about the ETs/EDs’ claims, please see this close-up, where you can see the craft and the ET/ED occupant.

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