

Sunday 15 April 2012


Chemtrails–ETs/EDs, ARE Doing Something


Guess what ? 

The ETs/EDs “listened” and ARE responding. They’re attacking both chemtrails & aircraft delivering them.

Last week, the Liberation Forces were at work. An aircraft was chemtrailing, followed by a chemtrail eating spacecraft. Evidently tiring of this toxic diet, the spacecraft proceeded to hit the chemtrail aircraft with a smallish beam weapon, causing the aircraft to trail black smoke and apparently plunge into the San Bernardino National Forest somewhere in the vicinity of Apple Valley, California.

No forest fire occurred, no National Transportation Safety Board crash investigation team was called out, and we’re not even sure the ruined aircraft’s debris made it to the ground or simply disingtegrated. Intelligence sources have so far not been able to verify any such jetliner crash, so the disintegration is a very real possibility, one confirmed by contacts “topside” Wreck or no wreck, great news for all of us getting “death dumped” from above!

Confirmation came by private E-mail

I was on my way to the doctor’s office in Apple Valley on March 21, 2012 at approximately 1300 and I saw the chemtrail and then I saw the dark line coming off of it at an angle to the ground. I kept watching thinking it was a shadow, but no matter what angle I watched it from it was there. I drove from the base of the mountains all the way to Apple Valley and it was there the whole way. Now I know what it was.

They do a lot of chemtrails here in the San Bernardino mountains where I live. Some days I can’t even go outside it is so bad….

Just wanted to confirm your story, I saw it too, now I know what it was.


To everyone starved for proof, K.’s confirmation of the chemtrail aircraft shootdown is priceless, but there’s more good news. The glowing orb terrified the crews, and the chemtrails show it.

What happened:

I took a picture with my cell phone of the exact same kind of event, except in this case the chemtrail spraying planes were turned around by a single glowing orb like craft, which unfortunately can’t be seen on the picture.

This means the ETs/EDs are combating chemtrails.

After taking the second picture I spotted the orb in the centre of the cloud formation. It appeared out of nowhere, then it moved about 20 metres straight up and then it disappeared again. I immediately started filming the clouds, hoping the orb would show again, but it didn’t and the cloud formation started to fade. I decided to stop filming and took one last picture.

Chemtrails & “Clouds” That Eat Them

Another private E-mail produced this gem in the campaign by the ETs/EDs against chemtrails:

Wonderful! I have been watching the chemtrails day by day! Sometimes a weird cloud, that I have not seen before, “eats” them. I keep looking for a space craft though! I try to call in the ET/ED’s to clean up the chemtrails.

I live in Brentwood, CA. Not down south but up north near San Francisco.


That sounds awfully familiar. Now, where was that?

UFOs, Antigravity, Vimanas & Mystics under Secrets of Vimanas: ✦Tapping atmospheric and zero-point energies to put the vimana in a white shroud, hiding it. Isn’t that interesting? Vimanas (ancient Indian aerospace vehicles) hid this way, just like the ETs/EDs hid while eating chemtrails over Brentwood!

Chemtrails–More Good News!

(From another private E-mail)

Great news! The planes spray less frequently and when they do spray the chemtrails they leave behind are small and kind of pathetic as opposed to even three months ago!



Who’s Behind The Chemtrails?

According to the ETs/EDs, chemtrails are, bizarrely, NATO operations, under the code names CLOVERLEAF and EVERGREEN. The second name is coincidence, ineptness or sheer gall, since Evergreen Aviation is a CIA proprietary! These revelations on chemtrails are being checked by sensitive contacts. Meanwhile, public officials, big name environmental groups and most mainstream media resolutely refuse to discuss the chemtrails over their very heads!

Ets/eds Announced Destruction
 Of Unha-3 Moments Ago

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces reported clobbering the provocative North Korean missile launch in boost phase under a minute after ABC News reported a possible rocket failure. The ETs/EDsreportedly used precisely targeted phaser fire from one of their ships to wipe out the rocket and payload in a single fiery bloom. That target could’ve been taken out via certain orbital Earth built weapons, but the ETs/EDs “didn’t trust them,” so acted immediately. The Unha-3 and payload were destroyed at an altitude of 75,459 feet (23 kilometers), according to the ETs/EDs. The engagement was conducted interdimensionally and, per the ETs/EDs, from just outside the atmosphere.

ETs/EDs Say North Korea Lied About The Payload

According to the ETs/EDs, there was no weather satellite aboard. Rather, the payload consisted of a full service weight dummy thermonuclear warhead and associated telemetry gear, and that is why the ETs/EDs downed the rocket. It was anything but peaceful in intent, and, judging from various news reports, the Japanese rightly viewed it as a threat and were prepared to act. 

But how?

Japan Can Defend Herself, ETs/EDs 
& Sensitive Terrestrial Sources Agree

The Japanese today weren’t bluffing, seeing as how Japan has had very advanced Patriot missiles for some time now and has Aegis guided missile cruisers, which have substantial antimissile capability in their own right. Originally put in place as a defense against China, these systems now have another foe with whom to contend, North Korea. That foe, though, never reckoned on launch interdiction by the ETs/EDs! Today’s shootdown was intended by the ETs/EDs as a pointed reminder that highly charged provocative military acts and aggression won’t be tolerated. 

The ETs/EDs are sick of our endless 
fighting and wish we’d “learn to get along.” 

Maybe today’s object lesson will help. 

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