

Wednesday 25 April 2012



The Hollow Earth hypothesis says that the planet Earth is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. The hypothesis has long been contradicted by overwhelming observational evidence, as well as by the modernunderstanding of planet formation. The scientific community has dismissed the notion since at least the late 18th century.

The concept of a hollow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for subterranean fiction, a subgenre of adventure fiction. 

Earth's Subterranean Dwellers

Not extraterrestrial but terrestrial, i.e., inhabiting the Earth for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years, and possibly living here before humanoids. They are not aliens, they are not extraterrestrials, but they are one of Earths’ earliest occupants.

Massive subterranean colonies found worldwide; these beings not able to survive on Earth’s surface for any length of time and therefore come out mostly at night but they can and do appear during the day but not for a very long length of time. Apparently Earth’s surface climate is not suitable for them, therefore the subterranean caverns around the world.

There are many different varieties and mutations of these underground dwellers.

Alien Base Appears Then Vanishes

A man named Red Elk is one of the only people alive known to have ever seen the mysterious hole.

A Native American Shaman, or medicine man, Red Elk said his dad first showed him the hole in 1961.

"He said 'This is an endless hole,'" Red Elk said.

Red Elk's been back many times and said strange things happen every time he goes near it.

"People get it confused with what I call the devil's hole," he said.

Many locals claim to know about the hole, but it didn't become phenomena until 1997, when Mel Waters went on the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell.

"I brought the dogs with me." Waters said on the show. "They wouldn't go anywhere near the damn thing."

Waters said the hole had a three-foot stone wall around it.

It seemed bottomless to him, so he used an old shark fisherman's trick -- sending thousands of feet of fishing line down.

"What I did, was I sent down a roll of lifesavers," he said. "So when it hit water the lifesavers would dissolve."

But the lifesavers came back up whole -- no water -- so how deep was this hole?

Waters said he believed it descended miles into the earth and he heard strange stories about its powers.

"One guy claims that he threw his departed canine down into the hole," he said. "He swears the dog actually came back to him."

Red Elk said it was when Waters went public that the trouble began.

"Now I'm going public on this. And that could land me in a pile of junk," he said.

Red Elk claims the government has a secret base there.

"An underground base, a very small, underground base," he said.

That's how Red Elk explains the white boxes covering the area on some satellite images.

He also said he's seen "alien activity" in the area.

"A huge space craft, one, will appear and hover over the hole," he said.

That's what he said happens during Summer Solstice, when space men load and unload things at the hole before flying away.

At the Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore, Phil Lipson said he's heard the stories.

"Well, I believe there is a hole," Lipson said.

But Lipson's never seen the hole, even though he's led expeditions to find it.

"I think it's actually a true event just something that's never been totally uncovered," he said.

And to this day, no one's been able to find it, since that famous radio conversation.


Drunvalo Melchizedec

He works with the angels, with prana and energy. Drunvalo has expressed that healing in these areas are of extreme importance, for the difficulties with one's own body, often stops us from continuing on our spiritual path. His research on the 3rd dimension with natural products and methods to help heal Mother Earth and all life forms is also a major focus in his life.

1 comment:

  1. why that one photo is not allowed to public? disgusting :(
