

Thursday 1 March 2012


DR WILLIAM BRAUD is one of a variety of scientists who have performed rigorous, laboratory-controlled studies proving that mind-to-mind communication is very real, and repeatable in a science lab. Participants were able to induce measurable changes in the electrical conductivity of another person’s skin at a distance without their conscious awareness.

Many of these experiments were done in rooms shielded from all electromagnetic signals — proving this phenomenon cannot be explained by any known energy waves in the conventional spectrum.

By 1929, over 148 different cases of “multiples” had been documented in science — where multiple scientists independently make the same breakthroughs at the same time. This included calculus, the theory of evolution, color photography, thermometers, telescopes, typewriters and steamboats.

There is wonderful, abundant proof that “extrasensory perception” is a natural gift we all possess — but these groundbreaking studies have received very little publicity.

Could the basic energy of the Cosmos be conscious in some way?

Is DNA an energy wave that assembles life ?

In 2011, Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier demonstrated “DNA teleportation,” where ordinary water molecules in a sealed test tube assembled intoDNA. A tube with ordinary water was placed next to another tube that had water with trace amounts of DNA in it. Both tubes were electrified with a weak 7Hz current. Some of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the tube with pure, sterile water transformed into DNA — by a process still unknown to Western science.

Sir Edmund Hoyle, the co-discoverer of the DNA molecule, and Chandra Wickramasinghe noticed that 99 percent of all the dust in the galaxy had peculiar optical properties. The only material that could create these effects in the laboratory was freeze-dried bacteria.In 1980, Sir Hoyle said, “I suspect that the cosmic quality of microbiology will seem as obvious to future generations as the Sun being the centre of or our solar system seems obvious to the present generation.”

Can DNA be energetically transformed from one species to another ?

The agricultural corporation Ciba-Geigy discovered they could transform existing plant seeds into extinct varieties — simply by zapping them with a weak electrostatic current. This generated stronger and faster-growing wheat, extinct fern species and tulips with thorns.

Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina energetically transformed a living apricot tree into an apple tree, actually causing the fruits on the branches to metamorphosize in 16 days. He also zapped a rat with DNA-wave information from a cat, causing the rat to grow a cat-like tail in four days.
Korean scientist Dr. Dzang Kangeng got patent #N1828665 for a device that used microwaves to transfer the DNA-wave information of a duck into a pregnant mother hen. Roughly 80 percent of her eggs hatched as half-duck, half-chicken hybrids.

Dr. Peter Gariaev zapped salamander eggs with a low-level laser and redirected the beam into frog eggs. The frog eggs experienced a complete metamorphosis, and grew into healthy adult salamanders.

Is there intelligent human life throughout the galaxy ?

Human life could be a galactic or even universal template — potentially appearing on every habitable, watery planet in the galaxy thanks to the quantum properties of DNA.

The majority of ancient cultures, worldwide, reported interactions with human-looking “gods” or “angels” that gave them powerful assistance — including agriculture, animal husbandry, spoken and written language, construction techniques, mathematics and science, as well as spiritual teachings of morality, ethics and becoming a more loving person.

Highly unusual human skulls have been found around the world, including a series discovered in Boskop, South Africa whose brain capacity is twice that of normal humans — with large heads and small, childlike faces. They were given highly honorable burials — as Discover Magazine revealed in 2009. Bizarre elongated skulls have also been discovered in Peru, Bolivia, Russia and elsewhere- – closely matching the appearance of early Egyptian pharaohs — and some of them are still on display in museums.

Is evolution being driven by waves of energy in the galaxy ?

Drs. David Raup and James Sepkoski discovered a 26-million-year cycle in the evolution of life on Earth after creating the most exhaustive fossil catalog ever assembled. Fearing embarrassment, they worked harder to try to eliminate the pattern — but it only became stronger and clearer as they did more research.

Recently, Drs. Robert Muller and Robert Rohde discovered a 62-million-year cycle within the same data, going back to the dawn of complex fossil life on Earth. These cyclical events may be triggered by galactic energy waves.

Dr. William Tifft discovered concentric bands of microwave energies within galaxies that slowly expand away from their centers. Dr. Harold Aspden’s unique physics equations suggest these separate, distinct microwave regions may possess different properties on a quantum level.

Life appears to be a natural law — an “emergent phenomenon” within quantum mechanics that appears wherever and however it can, and is periodically reprogrammed by energetic forces that can be reproduced in a laboratory.

Are there vortex points and energy lines on earth ?

In the early 1900s, Sir Alfred Watkins discovered that many different sacred sites in England, from the Stone Age right through to modern abbeys and cathedrals, were built upon straight paths he called “ley lines.”

Ivan T. Sanderson rigorously charted where all the ships and planes were disappearing on Earth, and found ten different “vortex points” – -including the Bermuda Triangle. Strangely, these points were equidistant — and by adding the north and south poles as well, Russian scientists then found the points assembled into a geometric pattern. NASA / NOAA scientists Drs. Hanshou Liu and Athelstan Spilhaus independently discovered this same geometric pattern in the structure of undersea volcanic ridges and mountain ranges worldwide.

Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov did a massive, worldwide survey of ancient sites – compiling some 3,300 different locations in total, including Watkins’ sites — and found that every single one of them was built on this Grid.

But why ?

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