

Thursday 29 March 2012

DIVINE INTERVENTION ... Galactic and Angelic Intervention

The intercession of the galactics – and angels – in the affairs of Earth.

It looks like the whistleblowers and the followers of the Company of Heaven’s messages may be about to join up.

If that is the case, this event is … well, huge.

Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets’ expectations. …


Top insiders have now confirmed that everyone in the Pentagon is now aware that some form of Divine Intervention is happening — regardless of what side they are on.

Most of them do not know who is responsible. Even the “bad guys” are now saying it could be “Angels or Aliens” doing this stuff.

No one on Earth has the technology to do the things they are now seeing — regardless of how classified that technology may be.

It is utterly astonishing that even the “bad guys” are now acknowledging this may be an angelic intervention.

Very few people have dared to break ranks and reveal what is happening, as this information is considered very highly classified.

They know that speaking out could get them, and their families, tortured and killed.


Divine Intervention is very real.

You may be surprised to discover how extensive the intervention has now become — and how far back in time the trail of evidence goes.

The forces behind the great religions of the world are not mythological. They are not historical artifacts buried away in scrolls and texts fewer and fewer people bother to read.

They’ve been here all along. They have openly walked among us in every ancient culture — and were highly revered.

They have their own rules, their own governing bodies, and their own code of ethics.

They have avoided appearing in any obvious, worldwide, public fashion for well over 1000 years now.

Nonetheless, they have been thoroughly involved this entire time — guiding and steering our evolution.

This critical step allowed us to become “modern”, and to give us the opportunity to forget that they ever really existed — even as they continued to guide our development, behind the scenes.

And now — very recently — the rules have changed… and they are being permitted to do much, much more to help the Earth and its people evolve into a higher state of consciousness. …

As it turns out, the date of March 13th, 2012 was given, years in advance, as a pivotal moment in the defeat of the Old World Order. This was all documented — and can easily be verified.

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