

Wednesday 21 December 2011





Life is not to be regarded as competitive exercises in which one vies with another in the magnitude of his/her imaginings, or yearning toward some metaphysical aristocracy. Life is an unfolding of self into the light of virtue, beauty, and wisdom.

From the Zen school of Chinese art. It is the “lone traveler,” a solitary monk standing on the edge of a great cliff gazing out into the mist, where far beyond rises dimly the shadows of high mountains in the ageless contrast to gnarled and broken trees in the foreground.


Much has been said of the loneliness of wisdom, and how much the Truth seeker becomes a pilgrim wandering from start to star. To the ignorant, the wise man is lonely because he abides in distant heights of the mind.

But the wise man himself does not feel lonely. Wisdom brings him nearer to life; closer to the heart of the world than the foolish man can ever be.

Bookworms may lead to loneliness, and scholarship may end in a battle of beliefs, but the wise man gazing off into space sees not an emptiness, but a space full of life, truth, and law.


One must remain independent of mind to find Truth, and by not allowing any other supposed trustworthy individuals, organisations and political systems to provide all the answers. In other words, question everything to keep your mind awake and attentive.

This should eventually prompt one to seek the true answers themselves, instead of accepting what is Truth propagated by an authority which we are conditioned to believe dogmatically.

One is indeed alone when questioning popular beliefs, but they will find by removing ignorance in the form of conditioned man-made divisions and falsities they will then develop the insight to see that we are all part of this universal stream of existence – how can one then feel alone once they are aware of all this?

That is the reason why it is so important one conquer fear and show the courage to stand up for truth. Stand up against these evil maniacal and devious (but also human) forces which try to divide and destroy us!

However, there comes a time when one must be completely alone (not isolated) with oneself so not to be disturbed when the need for total introspection is called for. An important exercise of quiet time to gather one’s thoughts and to observe freely, without distraction, one’s inner kingdom and its place in the outer world. This should be done in earnest and with sincerity – that’s if one wants to ever come close to Truth and Wisdom.


Turn off the TV and radio
Dispose of the newspapers
Question everything you have been told and taught to be true
Inquire for yourself to discern what the truth may be – in other words, educate yourselves
Seek and gain the practical and beneficial knowledge that can actually help you to become conscious beings, self-reliant, self-determined, pragmatic and wise
Look within yourselves for the true answers towards achieving your aims in life – the truth and wisdom is within you to use to your advantage
Take responsibility for your own health, income, and general well-being


Generally speaking, applied psychology and psychiatry tend to be concerned with human imperfection, whereas philosophy tends to be concerned with human perfection. Additionally, philosophical inquiry into the meaning of existence is less likely to result in self-deception and escapism, whereas psychology – the subject ostensibly developed to help us overcome our penchant for self-deception – can actively if undeliberately promote it … Being and Nothingness.

Psychological theories of the hidden unconscious, and of irrational impulses and instincts, often work to let humanity off the hook. After all, why take personal responsibility for destructive thought and action when we can convince ourselves that we are victimized by powerful mysterious internal forces and urges beyond conscious control. An entire civilization might misconstrue such ideas and use them to evade responsibility.

Is this what we see today ?

Could this be one solid explanation for the all too obvious existential decay in our super-extrovert, ultra-competitive, hyper-cooperative world?

Psychological analysis and knowledge certainly helps us to diagnose behavioral problems and maladies, so we may enjoy more fruitful relationships with ourselves and the rest of humankind. It mentally and emotionally restores us so we can function correctly as social animals.


Philosophy, on the other hand, helps us to be better human beings. It allows us to understand our true natures as independent Selves, irrespective of our roles in society. Philosophy allows us not merely to fix what is broken, but to gain vivid insight into our own perfection.

The harsh but certain fact is that without a rational vision of ourselves as perfect beings in a perfect universe, the tireless and noteworthy efforts of psychologists and psychiatrists to diagnose and mend mental and emotional dysfunction will - like the actions and aspirations of politicians - ultimately lead mankind nowhere or worsely into the abyss of delirium.

Religion appeals more to beliefs than to knowledge. And one must conform to a lot of impersonal pre-established codes and ideas when they take the religious road. In other words, reason and critical judgment are often suspended rather than sharpened. Once a dogma is accepted on faith, anxiety is lessened but, more often than not, the personal arduous search for meaning is abandoned.

Man cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen.

Crucially, religion is primarily a social phenomenon. One is part of a religion and a religious group. One dresses as the group members tend to dress, speaks as it is customary for the group members to speak, and, almost invariably, one thinks along the same lines as the members of the group are wont to think.

In other words, one allows themselves to be indoctrinated by the dogma and mores of the religious group and, when the opportunity affords itself, one eventually seeks to indoctrinate others. This is how and why the world’s many religious communities exist.

We think, believe, and act as most people around us are wont to think, believe and act. To go against the flow and strive to discover what it means to be a Self, is tantamount to falling from grace and entering hell. As Adam and Eve apparently suffered for their act of self will, so do we each suffer if and when we attempt to individuate.

Heaven is the haven of consensus and paradise little more than freedom from freedom. This is the unspoken but deeply embodied creed of today’s “smiling depressives.”

The very idea of true unadulterated Selfhood and aloneness plunges most men into a state of existential trepidation. A man’s deep-set antipathy toward self-determined thought and action drives him toward any altar and any god who will hear his fitful plea for deliverance.

Psychologists are all too aware of the manner in which religion provides a perfect escape for the man with neurotic character who will do anything rather than face his own psychological disorder.

We cannot predict who and what we will be from one day to the next. We can predict that two plus two will always equal four, that ice will always feel cold, and that rain will always be wet, but cannot say whether we will be sane or insane, happy or sad, alive or dead tomorrow. It is only when a man uses his reason to decipher what is true from what is false, and seeks to solve the conundrum of his own existence, that he distinguishes himself from other men in the world around him and from everything else in creation.

Since reality as we think we know it constantly changes, every second and every minute, it is rather ridiculous and vain to say that can have certain knowledge about anything, even if we convince ourselves that we do. In the end it is important to realize that just because we think we have discovered the truth, it does not mean we have. It’s not a pleasant thought I know, but it must be entertained, because it is fundamental.


Beware of heartless thoughts … given the scalpel they would dissect a kiss

If we think we know the answer, we won’t EVER ask questions.

The most common form of despair is not being who you are

Because the only thing certain is that nothing is certain

And that is a very humbling thought ... WALKING LIGHTLY

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