

Wednesday 14 September 2011



The early crashes [of UFOs] were caused when [nuclear] radiation in our atmosphere was taken into their craft through a process similar to our air conditioning systems. The crews became ill and lost control of their ships, resulting in fatal crashes. After a number of these fatalities had taken place, the crews on other ships began studying conditions and seeking ways to avoid such disasters. Now they have succeeded.

“They have perfected a small object which each crew member carries on his person while their ship is moving through our atmosphere. A similar object on a much larger scale is used to purify the atmosphere within their craft. No space person ever comes to Earth without one of these for protection to help him withstand the radiation present not only in our atmosphere, but in our food and water as well.

Earth scientists do not have the technology to measure the etheric levels of energy, where the release of radiation from nuclear power plants and experimentation causes the most damage … the “deadliest release of energy that has ever taken place on Earth”, which depletes our body’s immune system, “causing more and more Alzheimer’s, memory loss, disorientation and the gradual breakdown of our body’s defence system.

The Space Brothers are engaged on a spiritual mission to neutralize this nuclear radiation, spending “countless hours mopping up this energy and at the same time creating on the dense-physical plane a replica of the planet’s magnetic field”, through the crop circles, as part of a new energy grid that will “give this planet ... unlimited, safe power for all purposes, in ways that cannot be bought up or cornered by any group of men.

This source of unlimited, free energy, which the Space People use for space travel, is drawn from space the same as we draw the breath that keeps our bodies alive. In each case Nature’s elements are converted into power or energy…. The visitors, working in harmony with Nature, have learned how to harness this energy; but because of our hostility towards one another, they do not explain the details of their process.

As a result, our atmosphere is being polluted … by the nuclear bombs that have been, and are still being, exploded around the world. This is an abnormal condition of our own making … only we can change it.

The greatest harm sustained by people and planet in this sorry tale is caused by nuclear radiation. People have gone far astray in the development of this most dangerous energetic source.

Led astray by greed, and the false hope of vast profits, they have concentrated their experiments in ‘taming’ the most dangerous source of energy ever discovered by man, neglecting, meanwhile, a perfectly safe alternative use of the energy of the atom.

Atomic fusion, cold and harmless, could be theirs from a simple isotope of water, everywhere available in the oceans,
seas and rivers, and in every shower of rain.

People must cease his ‘toying with death’. Atomic fission is the result of the atomic bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki; which erupted in Chernobyl and causes, subtly, death and sickness today. It is “that which stands where it ought not” and which must be renounced by people
if he would prosper further.

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