

Thursday 11 October 2012





Wiltshire is the county for white horses. There are or were at least twenty-four of these hill figures in Britain, with no less than thirteen being in Wiltshire, and another white horse, the oldest of them all, being just over the border in Oxfordshire.

Most of the white horses are chalk hill carvings, and the chalk downs of central Wiltshire make it an ideal place for such figures.

Earth energy currents are often misnamed ley lines.

A ley line is actually a straight line that can be drawn on a map that connects four or more ancient sites, e.g. churches, stone circles, barrows etc.

Earth energy currents are the actual vibrant flows of detectable energy that weave their way through the ground.

Winchester Cathedral is built on the site of a former stone circle (which had satellites nearby) and straddles a main artery of Earth energy that arises close by in the totally spring-fed Meon valley.

A visit to the crypts of the cathedral is a remarkable experience when one is actually able to stand directly in the flow of the very powerful energy current.

Winchester stands close by several powerful energetic hilltops marked out for ceremony by our ancient forebears who knew the power in the Earth at this place.

All sacred sites across the world, are located above underground water- every stone circle, pyramid, temple etc.
It is also believed that our ancestors who built these sites knew this very well and consciously utilised the associated energy.

There is a well (now in the 'pool' room of the pub) at the centre of Avebury henge, seismic surveying has recently discovered a previously unknown well near the centre of Stonehenge, and underground water has even been detected in the desert underneath the Great Pyramid. Earth energy currents are also associated with underground water.
Rain falls on the chalk Downs and is soaked up like in a sponge. The water percolates through the porous chalk and through fissures to the impervious clay underlying it and then runs along the clay until it emerges on the
surface as a spring.



... The female, yin, or Mary energy line encloses the masculine, yang, or Michael energy in the form of a double-lipped cup. It is a most evocative image. The configuration of the Mary energy line, containing the phallus-like medieval tower of St. Michael, seems to portray a chalice or grail and is thus a potent symbol of the alchemical fusion of universal opposites.

The Michael and Mary lines pass precisely through other key sites in Glastonbury's sacred geography. Primary among these are the Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey, and Wearyall Hill.

A study of the myths and legends of these places will reveal more associations with that mystical vessel the Holy Grail.

The story is fascinating.

According to old Cornish legends, Christ's uncle, Joseph of Arimathaea, was a tin merchant who traded with miners on Britain's western coasts. On one of his trading journeys he brought along his nephew, the boy Jesus, and together they made a pilgrimage to the Holy Isle of Avalon.

Years later, following the Crucifixion, Joseph returned to Avalon and moored his boat on Wearyall Hill. There he planted his staff in the ground, where it took root and blossomed into the Holy Thorn whose descendant is still growing on the hill of TOR today.

The water contained in the major aquifers of England are heavily-laden with minerals thus making them highly-conductive conduits for the energy currents coursing through the Earth.

Electromagnetic energy, just like electricity, will rapidly make its way to the best conductor around.

For example, the chalk Ridgeway attracts the powerful Michael/Mary energy currents between Avebury and Royston.




. 156 Earth Chakras and Their Locations.


There are 156 Earth chakras or energy centers(12 major and 144 minor) across the globe many of which are highlighted by massive mountains, hills, monuments, or other unusual anomalies. Those located in the seas or oceans hide submerged vortexes, currents, fissures, portals, and even secret cavernous cities or civilizations.

The main chakras correspond to the twelve planets/signs and are are marked in blue. Chakras are the invisible but real sustainers of our physical reality. They are the etheric or astral(emotional-mental) link between the spiritual and physical world and are activated by lunar and planetary transits. These centers form a geometrical grid or ley system across the planet where the planet’s energies flow and are at their strongest much like a nervous system. Locating on one of these centers or lines of force gives access to incredible energy or power which can be used positively or negatively.

Many occult societies make use of these forces as do influential leaders and government or religious institutions. Most importantly, perhaps, is that they serve to connect the planet with other planets, stars, and cosmic centers. It is important that these centers remain pure or undisturbed for the well-functioning of the planet and all its life forms.

Unfortunately, many of these centers are being abused or thwarted by alien or human parasitical interests resulting in the planet’s poor perfomance. This is usually done by building a city, edifice, or monument on the center or line of force which changes or diverts the natural energy flow. Crystalsand occult rites or invocations can also affect the flow. Removal or relocation of such artificial constructs will restablish the Earth’s natural flow. Our deforestation and misuse of the planet’s natural resources(such as coal or gas) is also creating havoc. A cleansing or purification is definitely needed as well as an increased awareness and respect for the planet’s sacred energies.

Always nice to visit such places that carries a magic from the past. The 'past ruins' that becomes a place for the 'moss- of- now' to grow and colour our world.

Planetary Grid System - Ley Lines (excerpt from David Wilcock)

Excerpt from 2012 Event Horizon Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, by David Wilcock, in which he describes the planetary grid system & ley line science.

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