

Sunday 10 July 2011



An Explosion of the Inner World

We often do not give sufficient thought to the colossal task that evolution has to accomplish. It represents a rise from the earth to the sky. A clod of earth has to gain the power of thinking, of awakening to the knowledge of itself and then of the universe around it.

A handful of insensitive matter has to win a state of awareness where it can mingle with a consciousness which pervades the universe from a handful of dust to be one with the All. 

It is a stupendous transformation, a mighty drama which only an absolute power could design, stage and play.

We are wont to underestimate the inconceivably vast dimensions of creation and the stupendous proportions of the power of it because our mind and senses............. the brain and the eyes of an ant on a log floating upon the surface of an ocean, are not able to register our own insignificant position compared with the titanic forces by which we are encompassed.

We believe that the picture of the universe presented to us by the mind and intellect is all that there is, and we start to speculate how the entity we picture could have come into existence. 

We never expand our thinking to be conscious of the fact that we are staring at an infinity through a pinhole and that there are countless other pinholes in other planes of creation through which this infinity can be viewed.

In countless different ways each pinhole presents a different image of it. 

The colossal nature of consciousness begins to dawn only when the human limit of perception is exceeded through the grace of the still partially hidden biological mechanism responsible for evolution …..kundalini.

It might become possible for humans then to extend their sovereignty over all the solar system as they now extend it over the earth. 

But how can Nature allow humans to win this sovereign position unless they have also gained the capability to shoulder the highly increased responsibility in a befitting manner, and not to abuse the almost unlimited powers gained ?

This is the reason why in every case of the awakening of the evolutionary mechanism secret devices in the brain come into play to mold the individual towards a state of mind where the possibility of abuse of psychic power is eliminated. 

The desire for self reform is the first sign of the activity of this dormant psycho-physiological mechanism.

This is also the reason why almost all those who possess psychic talents are never able to control the power, or to exhibit them at their own will and choice, or often even to remain alert and conscious when the phenomena come to pass. 

This is also why through all the past, in spite of the great advances made in spiritual science, the secret of domination over the super- intelligent forces of creation was never revealed.

It is also why discoveries, whether in the spiritual or the material realm, were made in a series of different minds and were not vouchsafed to but one individual

…Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, Christ …….. 

however high their spiritual stature might have been.

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