

Saturday 2 July 2011



What are these strange rumblings at the center of our Galaxy?

Modern day astrophysicists and astronomers, with their sophisticated scientific instruments, are not the only humans that have contemplated this very same question. In fact, the ancient Mayas, the superb astronomers and mathematicians that they were, also mused on what may exist at the center of our Galaxy. 

The Mayas knew exactly where this center was located in the sky and had a glyph representing it named Hunab Ku by Dr. Jose Arguelles of Princeton University, but known to the Mayas as "The Galactic Butterfly". 

Much more, their entire cosmology and extremely accurate calendars were based on the existence and location of Hunab Ku and they believed that the future of mankind ultimately depends on what occurs there.

Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme God and ultimate Creator.

It represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayas, is also the Consciousness which organized all matter, from a "whirling disk", into stars, planets and solar systems.

Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth.

They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts. Today, modern astronomers have verified that at the center of our Galaxy is a "whirling disk" with a "Black Hole" at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars.

Could the strange rumblings observed by Dr. Scott Hyman and his associates earlier this year at the center of our Galaxy be connected with what the Mayas believed?

There appears to be a convergence between what the Mayas believed and understood and what modern scientists are discovering about our Galaxy today. One big difference is how modern physicists view and how the ancient Mayas viewed "Time". 

Today, physicists view Time as being linear. Time according to modern precepts flows in a straight line. Time can slow down, as per Albert Einstein, but it always flows in one direction. In contrast, the Mayas believed essentially that Time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time cycle. 

There is a "periodicity" to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Mayas also believed that Time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.

It is very difficult to dismiss the Mayan Cosmology because they left extraordinary evidence that their "Time" keeping methodologies give extremely accurate results.
Their pyramids like the one at Chichen-Itza in Mexico are precisely aligned to the the yearly Solstices and the Equinoxes that are caused by the precession of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun.

The Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen-Itza is essentially a superb and highly accurate Time keeping devise that never fails to mark the yearly "Precession of the Equinoxes".

The ancient Mayan astronomers accurately predicted, over 1500 years ago, the exact alignment of the Earth, the Sun, the star cluster Pleiades and of the center of our Galaxy that will take place at the end of the present long cycle on the Gregorian year 2012.

On the Mayan Long Calendar the day designated as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin ( falls on December 21, 2012 and this day will mark "El Fin de los Tiempos" or the end of the long cycle at which time humanity will experience a new beginning.

On this day, according to the Mayas and subsequent Meso-American civilizations, the return of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) will take place.

On December 21, 2012 which coincides with the Winter Solstice and as the Sun sets west of Chichen-Itza, a pattern of shadow and light will project the Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) descending on the stairs of the pyramid that has a large head of a serpent sculpted in rock at the base. 

This occurs twice in Chichen Itza every year but on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012 something very special will happen. 

As the Sun sets in the early afternoon, the shadow of the pyramid's northwest edge will project a moving pattern of light that joins and illuminates the sculpted serpent head at the base of the stairway. 

Within a thirty-four minute period, the serpent, formed by this play of light and shadow will appear to descend to the earth, as the sun leaves each stair, going from the top to the bottom.

 This combined effect creates the visual appearance of the body of the serpent descending the pyramid. In addition, on December 21, 2012, the tail of the serpent projected up from the top of the pyramid will be pointing precisely to the star cluster Pleiades. 

The pyramids at Teotihuacán which means "City of the Gods", constructed by a Meso-American civilization just north of Mexico City that preceded the Mayas, are also aligned to the Pleiades as are the Egyptian pyramids at Giza. 

This is not all, on December 21, 2012 at around 11:11 universal time, there will be a precise alignment of our Sun with the Galactic center (Hunab Ku).



The Native Wisdom Keeper & Shaman Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther.

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