

Saturday 11 June 2011



❤¸.•*´THE POWER OF CHI`*•.❤

We are in the habit of perceiving our world in terms of solid shapes and forms.

What Taoism teaches is that we can train ourselves to perceive in other ways; and a good place to start is with our own human body.

Though we may now experience our body as being rather solid, at a molecular level it is comprised mostly of water – a very fluid substance !

And at an atomic level it is 99.99% space – a vast (and infinitely intelligent) emptiness.

To cultivate the capacity to perceive at all of these different levels – to feel ourselves and our world as fluid, and as spacious; as well as being filled with apparently-solid forms.

As we become more adept in this way, we become aware, directly, of the vibratory nature of all-that-is.

Not only do we experience our bodies as being comprised of patterns and flows of qi, but also come to understand that “emotions” and “thoughts” are also forms of energy.

These insights give rise then to the potential for newly-powerful and deliciously-creative action within this tremoring world.

A Nei Kung is a ( spiritual ) practitioner....Neigong, also spelled Nei Kung, neigung, or nae gong, is any of a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines......

Central to Taoist world-view and practice is qi (chi). Qi is life-force -- that which animates the forms of the world.

It is the vibratory nature of phenomena -- the flow and tremoring that is happening continuously at molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels.

In Japan it is called “ki,” and in India, “prana” or “shakti.”

The ancient Egyptians referred to it as “ka,” and the ancient Greeks as “pneuma.”

For Native Americans it is the “Great Spirit” and for Christians, the “Holy Spirit.” In Africa it’s known as “ashe” and in Hawaiias “ha” or “mana.”


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